Kinh tế thế giới

“Đầu tư vào tri thức sẽ đem lại lợi nhuận cao nhất” – Benjamin Franklin Ward.

Tài chính

“Trong kinh doanh, đúng hay sai không quan trọng, cái quan trọng là nếu đúng sẽ có được bao nhiêu tiền, và nếu sai sẽ mất bao nhiêu tiền” – George Soros

Chứng khoán

Thị trường chứng khoán được tạo ra để chuyển tiền từ túi những kẻ nôn nóng sang những người kiên nhẫn (Warren Buffett)

Quỹ Đầu tư

"Đôi khi, ngay cả những nhà đầu tư thông minh cũng cần có ý chí mạnh mẽ để tránh đi theo đám đông." – Benjamin Graham

Kế toán - Kiểm toán

“Mua cổ phiếu mà không hiểu biết về công ty cũng giống như đọc chữ mà không hiểu gì" – Peter Lynch


How to invest and profit in a rising interest rate enviroment

After 34+ years of declining rates, you now believe that interest rates are finally going to start increasing. After all, the Fed Funds has begun its interest rate hike march as of December 2015. But a rising Fed Funds rate in 2016 and beyond does not necessarily mean rising interest rates for consumers e.g. mortgages.

4 Ways Rising Interest Rates Will Affect Your Investments

Stocks will continue to gain, but investors should be more choosy. And savings accounts will benefit.

While stock investors don't necessarily need to fear rising interest rates, they should keep in mind that some sectors could fare better than others

How To Prepare For Rising Interest Rates

When interest rates hover near historic lows for extended periods of time, it becomes easy to forget that what goes down will eventually come back up. However, rates will generally begin to rise as an economy rebounds. When this happens, both short- and long-term fixed-income investors who are caught unprepared may miss out on an easy opportunity to increase their monthly incomes.


The correlation between interest rates and oil prices in Viet Nam

There has only been one other time in history when the price of oil has crashed by more than 40 dollars in less than 6 months.  The last time this happened was during the second half of 2008, and the beginning of that oil price crash preceded the great financial collapse that happened later that year by several months.